Texas Moratorium Network had been planning to attend the meeting of the Texas Forensic Science Commission on Friday to deliver public comments to the Commission and to hold a demonstration to Shout it from the Rooftops that Todd Willingham was innocent. Now, Texas Governor Rick Perry has canceled the meeting and replaced the Commission’s chair and some other members.
Call the Governor’s office to STRONGLY protest his cancellation of the meeting and his replacement of the chair of the commission.
(512) 463-1782
As the Dallas Morning News says in their blog post “Rick Perry blocks search for truth in Todd Willingham case”
It’s official: The governor of the state of Texas doesn’t even want to hear any evidence that the state may have made a mistake in this case. That’s cowardly. That’s refusing to be held accountable. That’s Rick Perry.
Sign the petition to Governor Rick Perry and the State of Texas to acknowledge that the fire in the Cameron Todd Willingham case was not arson, therefore no crime was committed and on February 17, 2004, Texas executed an innocent man.
From the Houston Chronicle:
In a surprise move, Gov. Rick Perry today appointed two new members to a state commission investigating case of a Corsicana man who some believe was wrongly executed for murdering his children — forcing the cancellation of a meeting on the case scheduled for Friday.
Named to head the Texas Forensic Science Commission was John Bradley, district attorney in Williamson County. Bradley cancelled Friday’s meeting at which the panel was to accept fire expert Craig Beyler’s analysis of arson investigators’ work in the deadly December 1991 house fire.